The Saterfiels

"No other line of Satterfields spells their name 'SATERFIEL' ".

The History of Saterfiel
from information provided by "cousin"
Gary Duane Satterfield of Lubbock, Texas
In addition, this website cites substantial research by "cousins"
Mack Saterfield and Dr. Harold Graham. Their research time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

The Saterfiel family can be documented to the 1790 census of Rutherford Co., N. C.  In that census, James Satterfield, born about 1748, is shown as head of a household along with a William Satterfield, born about 1769.  William is probably James' oldest son.  William is shown as having a wife and only one child, an infant son, which may indicate he had been recently married.

Land records indicate James Satterfield sold his land in Rutherford Co., N. C. and was living in Greenville, S. C. after 1790.  On 1 Aug 1808, a son, James Satterfield, born 1780 in S. C., is shown in Warren Co., KY marriage records as having been married to Catherine Landers.  A few years later James and Moses Satterfield are shown in Lincoln Co., TN court records as being ordered to lay out a road in that county.  Moses Satterfield was married to Elizabeth Landers, Catherine Landers' sister.  Moses and James Satterfield are most likely brothers who were young boys in the 1790 Rutherford Co., N. C. census.  In that census, the Satterfields were neighbors to Henry Landers, the father of Catherine and Elizabeth Landers.

James and Catherine Landers Satterfield had a son, James A. Satterfield, who was born in Jackson Co., AL about 1822.  In the early 1840's James and Catherine Satterfield's children left Jackson Co., AL and went to Crawford Co., AR and Oregon, except for James A. Satterfield, who wound up in Jasper Co., MS (Meridian, Mississippi area) where he married Laura A. Blass about 1855.

James A. Satterfield enlisted in the Civil War 31 Mar 1862 at Jasper Co., MS, in the "Jasper Guards", later to become the 37th MS Infantry Regiment, Company K.  He died, probably of disease, at Camp Enterprise, MS 10 Dec 1863, as a prisoner of war, waiting to be exchanged.  Laura Blass Satterfield and children, James Henry Satterfield, born 1856, Martha Leanna Satterfield, born 1859, and William Bartley Satterfield, born 1862, continued to live at Jasper Co., MS and later settled in Hickory, Newton Co., Mississippi.

Cecil Calvert (son of James Wesley & grandson of James Henry) and Lillian Arrant Saterfiel of West Monroe, Louisiana
Click here to go to their family page
The Cecil Saterfiel family of West Monroe, LA about 1948-49.  (L to R) Oreatha, Truman, Cecil, Herbert, Lillian and Doyle.
James Henry Satterfield was born 25 Mar 1858, probably at Jasper Co., MS;  he was married first to Mary Rebecca Jones, who was born 15 Jun 1857.  He and Rebecca had the following children:  James Wesley, J. A., W. H., L. E., Melvin L., Lula Mae, Fred Lee, Ora Elizabeth, and Charles Alexander Satterfield.  J. A. (possibly John), W. H. and L. E. Satterfield are believed to have died at birth or very young.  James Henry Satterfield next married Melissa Jones, Mary Rebecca Jones' sister.  They had no children.  James Henry Satterfield and his son, Fred Lee Satterfield were Primitive Baptist preachers.  James died 12 Mar 1927 in Charity Hospital, New Orleans, LA.

James Henry Satterfield had been visiting his son, James Wesley Satterfield, in Monroe, LA and was on a train enroute to visit another son, Melvin Satterfield, in New Orleans, LA when he suffered a stroke on the train.  He was carried unconscious to Charity Hospital in New Orleans.  Lula, his daughter, was a nurse there.  After he had been in the hospital for about a week, another nurse told Lula that a man with her same last name was a patient on another floor.  When Lula got off duty she went to see who it was and found, to her surprise, that it was her father.  He died a few days later, without regaining consciousness.  He was then returned to Newton Co., MS for burial at Popular Springs Cemetery where his wives are also buried.

William Bartley Satterfield was born 28 Feb 1862 in Jasper Co., MS;  he died 19 Jan 1925 in Martin Community, Collinsville, Lauderdale Co., MS near Meridian.  He is buried at Zion Baptist Church, in the Martin Community, a few miles from Pine Grove Cemetery, where many of his descendants are buried.  He was married to Mary Eudora Culpepper.  Their children were Evie Mae (md George Hodges), Nicie Indeola (md Joe Byrd), Adie Joseph (md MaryEtta "Mollie" Hodges), Willie Carlos (md "Carrie" Mae Hodges), Dewey Oliver, born 2 May 1901 (md. "Alberta" Mae Coats) and Alma Lee, born 28 Jun 1907 and died 14 Feb 1912 at age 4.

The spelling of the family name SATERFIEL was begun with James A. Satterfield during the Civil War.  His Civil War records show the whole gamut of spellings.  Prior to the Civil War the spellings are predominantly "Satterfield" and "Saterfield", but no "Saterfiel".

William Bartley Satterfield settled in the Martin Community while James Henry Satterfield and Martha Leanna Satterfield (md Jesse Preston Gibbon) remained around the Hickory, Newton Co., MS area.  Any person with the name spelled "Saterfiel" found anywhere in the world can be immediately identified with this line of Satterfields.  No other Satterfield line spells their name "Saterfiel".  In addition, the Louisiana, Idaho, Florida, Lumberton and Lake, MS area Saterfiel's are all descendants of James Henry Satterfield.  The Fontant, CA, Meridian, MS, Cedar Rapids, IA, Lubbock, TX and Anniston, AL area Saterfiel's are descendants of William Bartley Satterfield.

If you have information or photographs
pertaining to the Saterfiels
that you are willing to share with us,
or write to
Glenn Luttrell
329 Jim Arrant Rd.
West Monroe, LA  71292
or call
Lula Saterfiel, daughter of James Henry, was a nurse at Big Charity Hospital in New Orleans, LA
Rev. James Wesley Saterfiel, son of James Henry Saterfiel, and Bertie Dean Saterfiel, moved to West Monroe, Louisiana from Mississippi in 1918.  James Wesley ministered in Baptist churches throughout north Louisiana.  Click here for more information about James Wesley & Bertie Saterfiel. 
Two sons and five grandchildren of James Wesley Saterfiel.  Dec 1995    Front row (L to Rt) - Oreatha Saterfiel Luttrell Bond, Herman (son) and wife Faye Saterfiel (dau. Beth, behind) and Truman Saterfiel.
Back row - Earl (son) and wife Mary, Doyle, and Herbert Cecil Saterfiel.  Oreatha, Truman, Herbert and Doyle are children of Cecil Saterfiel.
Ollie (son of James Wesley) and Nettie Saterfiel.  1975
Dean Saterfiel (son of James Wesley)
Troy Saterfiel (son of James Wesley)
James Wesley Saterfiel (son of James Henry) and family of West Monroe, Louisiana - (standing - l. to rt.) Herman, Cecil, Ollie, Clarence; (seated) James Wesley, Dean, Bertie; (front) Earl.
Rev. (b. 1858) & Mrs. James Henry Saterfiel of Newton County, Mississippi. Rev. Saterfiel Saterfield is listed as an ordained minister in the minutes of the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Assoc. at least from 1899-1917. He is also listed as a delegate for the Mt Pleasant church to the Gen. Assoc. of regular Baptist
Herman Saterfiel family in Detroit, Michigan
Ollie Saterfiel 1967 in Detroit
Earl and Mary Saterfiel in 1994.  Earl, son of James Wesley Saterfiel, in his military portrait.
The William Bartley Saterfiel (b. 1862) family.
Front Row (l to r) "Dewey" Oliver Saterfiel, William Bartley "Will" Saterfiel, Mary Eudora "Dora" Culpepper Saterfiel, "Alma" Lee Saterfiel, "Joel" B. Culpepper (Dora's father).
Back Row (l to r) "Evie" May Saterfiel Hodges, Nicie "Indeola" Saterfiel Byrd, "Adie" Joseph Saterfiel and Willie "Carlos" Saterfiel (a WW1 veteran).        
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Children of James Henry Saterfiel - 
(l. to r.) James Wesley, Melvin, Ora, Lula and Charles - are shown here visiting with James Wesley in West Monroe not long before his death in 1949.
Rev. Hermon Saterfiel (son of Rev. James Wesley Saterfiel) and wife Faye
Herb Saterfiel visits, for the first time, the grave of his great-great-great grandparents, Elizabeth and John Cloud Rogers.  (This line is through Herb's mother's family, the Arrants of West Monroe, LA.
  Click here to learn more of the genealogy of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, Louisiana
Rev. Hermon Saterfiel family in earlier days
James Wesley and Bertie Dean Saterfiel
Rev James Wesley Saterfiel performing a baptism in an unknown creek/bayou - most likely in Ouachita Parish, LA in the 1930s.
This page last updated 6 Jan 2025
The Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA