James Wesley Saterfiel
(Father of Cecil Calvert Saterfiel)
b. 13 Jan 1885 in Newton, Newton Co. Miss.
d. 26 Aug 1949, in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, LA
bur. in Mt. Vernon Bapt. Church Cemetery near West Monroe,
Ouachita Parish, LA
Son of
James Henry Saterfiel
(1858 - 1927)
Mary Rebecca Jones
(1857 - 1911)
Clarance Alexander SATERFIEL b: 13 Jan 1906 in Newton, Newton, Mississippi
Ollie Lee SATERFIEL b: 25 Jun 1908 in Newton, Newton, Mississippi
Cecil Calvert** SATERFIEL b: 23 Jun 1910 in Newton, Newton, Mississippi
d. 24 Sep 1971 at home in West Monroe, LA. Bur Mt Vernon BC Cem, Oua, LA
Nathan Troy SATERFIEL b: 6 Sep 1912 in Newton, Newton, Mississippi d. 6 Mar 1930, in West Monroe, LA Bur Mt Vernon BC Cem., Oua Par, LA
Herman Buford SATERFIEL b: 20 Oct 1914 in Newton, Newton, Mississippi
C.Howard A. SATERFIEL b: 24 Nov 1916 in Newton, Newton, Mississippi d. 21 Aug 1932 in West Monroe, Oua Par, LA. Bur Mt Vernon BC Cemetery
James Dean SATERFIEL b. 14 Aug 1920 m. (2) Jeanne Elaine Blakeley 8/24/1946 Detroit, MI d.
Carlos Maloy SATERFIEL b: 17 Dec 1922 d. 24 Dec 1922 in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Earl SATERFIEL b: 18 Oct 1924 in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
d. 28 Oct. 1998 bur. Mt. Vernon Cemetery, West Monroe, Oua Par, LA

Obituary 26 Aug 1949 West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana
Reverend. J. W. Saterfiel, an active Baptist Minister for forty years, was called to his Heavenly Home Aug.26th.
The funeral services ,conducted by Rev. L. A. Marterne, were held in the Mt.Vernon Church, Aug.29 th.A number of Baptist Ministers assisted in the service.
Rev.Saterfiel was a member ,and former pastor of Mt.Vernon Church
The masonic Lodge of Cadeville, rendered their final service for Rev. Saterfiel in Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
Rev. Saterfiel, born at Meridian, Miss, the 18th of Jan.1885,surrendered to preach in 1903.He served a number of churches in Miss. and Louisiana, during a period of forty years of active ministry.
He was truly a builder of God. Our beloved brother in the ministry, will be greatly missed by all who loved him.
Rev. Saterfiel is survived by his widow, Mrs. J. W. Saterfiel; six sons, C.A, O.L, C.C., Rev. H.B, J.D., and Earl Saterfiel, two brothers, two sisters, and a number of grandchildren.
Family of Rev. James Wesley and Bertie Dean Saterfiel of West Monroe, LA abt 1928. Front row - Rev. Saterfiel, Dean, Earl & Bertie. Back row - Herman, Cecil, Ollie & Clarence.
Rev James Wesley Saterfiel performing a baptism probably in a bayou/creek in Ouachita Parish in the 1930s.
Ministry of Rev James Wesley Saterfiel
In Ouachita, Union and West Carroll Parishes
From records of the Ouachita –Morehouse Baptist Association and newspaper articles. (Association records for 20's, 30's & 40's are incomplete)
12 Aug 1906
James Wesley Saterfiel ordained to the ministry at Deceder Baptist Church in Newton Co., MS
Nov 1916 - JWS minister or guest speaker at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Newton Co., MS
1921 - JWS as pastor at Liberty Baptist Church, Union Parish, LA
1924 - JWS apparently serving as pastor at Peniel Baptist Church, West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, La
1927-28 - JWS member and probably pastor Mt Vernon Baptist Church, Ouachita Parish, La
Nov 1928 - "new pastor" at Sadie Baptist Church, Union Parish, LA
1933 - JWS serving as pastor of church (unknown) in West Monroe
1935 - JWS pastor at Fairbanks Baptist Church, Ouachita Parish and an unspecified church in West Carroll Parish.
1936 - J. W. Satterfield is shown as “Other Ordained Minister” (not pastor of a specific church, I presume).
1939 - J. W. Satterfield is listed as “Ordained Minister” and "Messenger" for Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, Ouachita Parish
1945 shows JWS as “retired, West Monroe, Mt. Vernon”.
Family Recollections
James Wesley Saterfiel brought his family from Newton County, Mississippi to West Monroe, LA in 1918. He purchased 80 acres on Jim Arrant Road where they erected a large tent to live in while clearing the land and building a home. Granddad Saterfiel and his sons would work on clearing the land during the day and he would work on the house at night using the day’s cut wood for his firelight.
In 1927 he began building the house, which still stands, at 136 Saterfield Road. He brought some of the materials from the original house to the new house. One of the reasons for the move was because of the unavailability of well water at the original location. They tried several wells but to no avail. Granny Saterfiel would have to carry laundry from the original house down to about the present pond, which then was just a spring, to wash clothes and get water.
Grandad Saterfiel farmed the land during the week and would travel to various churches to preach on the weekend. Usually he went by horse or carriage but he sometimes would walk to catch a bus on the Jonesboro Road to get to where he was going to preach. It was about 1925 before he ever received money for his preaching. He would get paid in vegetables, eggs, etc. His first cash payment was a quarter—two bits (don’t know from whom). Prior to moving to Louisiana, Rev. Saterfiel would travel from Newton County to Vicksburg and take the ferry across to Louisiana where he would lead church services. In addition to farming, Grandad Saterfiel did carpentry work to help support his family. While working on Mt. Vernon Baptist Church construction (rebuilding church after a tornado) Grandad Saterfiel fell off a ladder and fractured his skull.
Some of the Saterfiel boys—Hermon, Ollie, Dean--moved to Detroit to work at the Ford plant in the 1930s. Grandad Saterfiel and Granny sold their house and property to their son, Cecil in 1936, and moved to Detroit with young son, Earl, also. They didn’t stay long before moving back to West Monroe. They lived on 80 acres at the west end of (present day) Emmett Arrant Road (other side of Jim Arrant Rd from Saterfield Rd) —land now owned by Uncle Clarence’s descendants. This is the house where James Wesley Saterfiel died in 1949. He had cancer. The pictures of he and his brothers and sisters show him kind of holding his left arm away from his side as if it was painful. The cancer was in his left side apparently. His brothers, Melvin and Charlie, and his sisters, Ora and Lulu, came to visit him shortly before he died.
(as told to JWS great-grandson, Glenn Luttrell, by JWS grandson, Herbert Saterfiel)
Timeline for James Wesley Saterfiel
18 Jan 1885 
James Wesley Saterfiel was born at Newton, Newton County, MS – his obituary said he was born in Meridian, MS. He is the first of ten children born to James Henry Saterfiel and Mary Rebecca Jones.

US Census shows J. W. Saterfiel, age 15, DOB Jan 1885, laborer in the household of J. H. and M. R. Satterfiel, with 5 siblings – M. L., L. M., F. L., O. S., C. A. Melissa Jones is shown in the same household, age 31, DOB- May 1869, “lodger”. She is the sister of James Wesley’s mother, Mary Rebecca Jones Saterfiel and marries James Henry Saterfiel after the death of his wife (her sister).
15 Nov 1903
James Wesley Saterfiel married Bertie C Dean in Newton Co., Mississippi.
Acc to obituary of JWS (29 Aug 1949) . . .”J W Saterfiel surrendered to preach in 1903.He served a number of churches in Miss. and Louisiana, during a period of forty years of active ministry”.
13 Jan 1906
1st SON BORN – Clarence Alexander Saterfiel is born in Newton, Newton Co., MS
12 Aug 1906
James Wesley Saterfiel ordained to the ministry at Deceder Baptist Church in Newton 

Co., MS
25 Jun 1908
2nd SON BORN – Ollie Lee Saterfiel is born in Newton, Newton Co., MS

US Census shows James W Satterfield, age 25, POB – Miss. living in Township 5, Range 17, Newton, Miss. He is engaged in “general farming” and owns his home which is mortgaged. In his household are wife Berta, age 24, son Clarence – 5 and son Ollie – 1.
23 Jun 1910
3rd SON BORN – Cecil Calvert Saterfiel is born in Newton Co., MS
1910 – 11
Mary Rebecca Jones Saterfiel, mother of James Wesley Saterfiel, dies. In Nov. 1911, Rev James Henry Saterfiel remarries. He marries Melissa Jones, sister of his deceased wife, Mary Rebecca Jones Saterfiel.
7 Sep 1912
4th SON BORN – Troy Nathan Saterfiel is born in Newton, Newton Co., MS
20 Oct 1914
5th SON BORN – Herman Buford Saterfiel is born in Newton, Newton Co., MS
23 Nov 1916
JWS “delivered a very strong sermon” at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Newton Co., MS
24 Nov 1916
6th SON BORN – Howard A Saterfiel is born in Newton, Newton Co., MS
21 Dec 1916
“Rev Mr Saterfield preached a very impressive sermon Sunday on ‘The Church of God’ 

having for his text John 6:44.” The Newton Record (the church is not mentioned) – 

this could be referring to JWS’s father, Rev. James Henry Saterfield.
12 Sep 1918
WWI Draft Registration shows James Wesley Saterfiel residing in Lake, Scott Co., Mississippi. His occupation is shown as “Farmer/Minister”. Physical Build – medium; Height – medium; hair color – brown; eye color – brown.
1918 - 

MOVE TO OUACHITA PARISH, LA - Family tradition is that J W Saterfiel came to Ouachita Parish with his family from Newton or Scott Co, Mississippi in 1918 in order to preach the gospel. Bertie Saterfiel's obituary states that she had been a resident of this area since 1918. According to Uncle Herb (JWS grandson),”prior to moving to Louisiana, Rev. Saterfiel would travel from Newton County to Vicksburg and take the ferry across to Louisiana where he would lead church services”. No records have been found to show where Rev James Wesley Saterfiel was pastor from the time he moved to Ouachita Parish in 1918 until about 1921.
Wesley, as he was apparently known to his family, purchased (homestead/land grants/patent required a fee) 80 acres in southwest Ouachita Parish where they erected a large tent to live in while clearing the land and building a home. Granddad Saterfiel and his sons would work on clearing the land during the day and he would work on the house at night using the day’s cut wood for his firelight. Grandad farmed the land during the week and would travel to various churches to preach on the weekend. Usually he went by horse or carriage but he sometimes would walk to catch a bus on the Jonesboro Road to get to where he was going to preach. Herb said his grandfather didn't get paid in cash for his pastoring for several years. Instead he was paid in food - chickens, produce, etc. Herb said that his grandfather's first cash pay was "two bits". He didn't say when that was. Herb gave additional information about his grandfather's early years in Ouachita Parish. "He was a farmer and a carpenter by trade. Herb also said that his grandfather "was working on rebuilding Mt Vernon Church after a tornado or storm (no date known) when he fell off the roof (or a ladder) and cracked his skull."
29 Oct 1919
J. W. Saterfiel made homestead entry on 80 acres in Ouachita Parish, LA
31 Jan 1920
US Census – Ward 8, Ouachita Parish, LA – James W Saterfiel, age 35, POB – Mississippi, Farmer, Working on Own Account; Bertie, wife, age 34; Clarence, son, age 15; Ollie, son, age 11; Cecil, son, age 9; Troy, son, age 7; Herman, son, age 5. Nearby neighbors are Newell and Cleora Johnston, Armstrong, Cowen, Rutledge, Burnett.

Brother Saterfiel became a Master Mason of the Cadeville Lodge No. 229 F & A M in 1920. (from Monroe News Star memorial by Cadeville Lodge 8 Sep 1949)
14 Aug 1920
7th SON BORN – James Dean Saterfiel is born in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, LA
29 Oct 1921
J. W. Saterfield is pastor of Liberty Baptist Church, Union Parish, LA. per article in The Gazette 14 Dec 1921 (obituary of J. W. Beasley, member of LBC). JWS must still be residing in Ouachita Parish.
9 Nov 1922
Filed homestead notice for 80 acres in Ouachita Parish, LA. Article in the Monroe News Star 9 Nov 1922 - legal notice stating that J. W. Saterfiel, who on Oct 29, 1919, made homestead entry. . .filed notice of intention for making 3 year proof to claim for the land. (“Three Year Homestead Act of 1912” reduced proof period from 5 years to 3 years for some “entrymen”.) Claimant names as witnesses – J. E. Rutledge of Monroe, LA RFD No 2; W. B. Inabnett of Lapine, LA; W.D.Gewin of Monroe, LA R No. 2; W. H. Futch of Monroe, LA R No. 2
17 Dec 1922
8th SON BORN – Carlos Maloy Saterfiel is born in West Monroe, Ouachita Par., LA
24 Dec 1922
SON DIED – Carlos Maloy Saterfiel died.
9 Jan 1923
LAND PATENT GRANTED – 80 & 6/100ths acres – James W. Saterfiel
27 Jan 1923
legal notice in the Monroe News Star - "Letters patent in favor of James W. Saterfield, a homesteader, have been granted by the United States land office covering the west half of the southeast quarter of section 26, township 17 north range 2 east and comprising 80 acres in Ouachita Parish."
24 Mar 1924
“J. W. Satterfield, Peniel Church” is a guest speaker for the Bayou Macon Baptist Association (14 parishes) at FBC, West Monroe (Monroe News Star). Presumably, he is the pastor of Peniel Baptist Church, West Monroe. He surely must have been there awhile to acquire the reputation that leads to an invitation of guest speaker at a regional conference.
18 Oct 1924
9th SON BORN – Earl Saterfiel is born in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, LA
12 May 1927
Death of James Henry Saterfiel, father of James Wesley. The family story is that Rev. Saterfiel was on a train to New Orleans (to visit family) from West Monroe (visiting family) when he collapsed from a stroke or heart attack. He was in “Big Charity Hospital” in New Orleans when two of his daughters, Lula and Ora, who were nurses there, heard the news. It is not known if he died without regaining consciousness.
Family tradition holds that construction of the second Saterfiel home began in 1927. It was built by J W Saterfiel with the assistance of his sons, no doubt. In 1927 he began building the house, which still stands, at 136 Saterfield Road. He brought some of the materials from the original house to the new house. One of the reasons for the move was because of the unavailability of well water at the original location. They tried several wells but to no avail. Granny Saterfiel would have to carry laundry from the original house down to about the east end of the present day pond, which then was just a spring, to wash clothes and get water. (per Uncle Herb) Well water was available at the new location.
According to Mt Vernon Baptist Church treasurer’s records, J W Saterfiel’s contributions were significantly higher than other members. This could indicate that he was minister at this time. It also seems that he was pastor there in the late 30’s and early 40's..
20 Oct 1928
JWS serves as Elections Clerk - Monroe News Star article – Ward 8, Precinct 1 - McCain’s Store. Emmett Arrant, W. P. McCain, J. E. Rutledge, commissioners; J. W. Saterfiel, clerk
The J. W. Saterfiel family appear to have sold their home and property in Ouachita Parish and moved to Union Parish. They are in Union Parish from late 1928 until early 1933, apparently.
18 Nov 1928
JWS is new pastor at Sadie Baptist Church, Union Parish, LA (north of Marion about 10 miles, near Arkansas border) – “A large crowd, in spite of cold weather, came out Sunday nite to church to hear the new pastor, Bro.Saterfield.” The Gazette (Farmerville newspaper) 21 Nov 1928
21 Aug 1929
Rev. J. W. Saterfield of Conway (west of Marion about 10 miles). . .leaving to vacation in Alabama and Georgia for several days – per The Farmerville Gazette
6 Mar 1930
SON DIES – Troy Nathan Saterfiel, age 17, dies in West Monroe (?), Ouachita Parish, LA. – (?) He was buried at Mt Vernon BC cemetery but family was living in Union Parish. - Years later, Earl Saterfiel, younger brother of Troy, told his son, Michael, “his first memory was his Dad telling him that Troy had died of gangrene after a burst appendix.”

US Census shows the John T Hubbard family living on property (80 acres) formerly occupied by James Wesley Saterfiel family in Ouachita Parish . . .
J W Saterfiel and his family are living in Union Parish as "renters".
Wesley Satirfiel – “clergyman, Baptist Church”, age 45; Bertie Satirfiel
age 44; Herman Satirfiel age 16; Howard Satirfiel age 13; Dean Satirfiel
age 9; and
Earl Satirfiel
age 6
Son Ollie is living in Union Parish. Son Clarence is living in Fairbanks. Son, Cecil, is renting a house in Ward 8 Ouachita Parish on property of Newell Johnston
21 Aug 1932
SON DIES – Howard A Saterfiel, age 15, dies in West Monroe, Ouachita Parish, LA (?)
(?) He was buried at Mt Vernon BC cemetery but family was living in Union Parish. -
15 Dec 1932
Mrs. Wesley Saterfield has returned to her home in Lilly, LA after an extended visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J D Dean – from The Newton Record
22 Feb 1933
according to a legal notice in the Monroe News Star, J W Saterfiel brings suit (“writ of fi fa”) against J. T. Hubbard and a Sheriff's sale is advertised for Feb. 25, 1933. Included in the sale is the 80 acres (Ouachita Parish) that J W Saterfiel obtained in 1923 by patent. Also included are 3 mules, a wagon, a plow and 2 cultivators. “. . .to be sold to satisfy a writ of fi fa. . .” This is a demand upon a debtor to pay a debt owed. Apparently, JW Saterfiel sold his property, including mules and equipment, to the Hubbards and placed a lien on the property to guarantee payment. This must have occurred about 1928. In 1987, I had a conversation with Gene Hubbard, owner of a store in downtown West Monroe, who told me that his family owned the land that became the Saterfiel property. He also stated that his family “does not hold it against the Saterfiels” that they lost the property. I had always thought him to mean prior to the “homesteading” by JWS, but he probably was referring to this episode in the 30’s. (GEL)
J. W. Saterfield family return to their home place in Ouachita Parish outside of West Monroe until Sept. 1936

Rev. James Wesley Saterfiel is noted as a “Pastor” in West Monroe in 1933 although the specific church was not identified (From the records of the Ouachita –Morehouse Baptist Association – records for all years not found - GL transcribed 170818)
1934 May & Aug
JWS contributions of $1.00 (May) and $2.00 (Aug) shown in Mt Vernon BC records – 

Bro. G. C. Dennis is pastor.
8 Nov 1934
“Poplar Springs – Quite a crowd enjoyed the sermon delivered by Brother Wesley Saterfield of Monroe, LA, Thursday night.” Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Satterfield and son (probably Earl) also visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dean (JWS in-laws) and others. The Newton Record
1935 J. W. Satterfield is shown as Pastor of Fairbanks Baptist Church. His son, Clarence, was listed as the “messenger” from that church. Also from the 1935 record, “, using I Corinthians 4:2 as his text, Rev. J. W. Satterfield preached the Doctrinal Sermon (for the Association’s Annual Conference). His subject was “Stewardship”. (From the records of the Ouachita – Morehouse Baptist Association – records for all years not found - GL transcribed 170818)
4 Jul 1935
The Newton Record – Poplar Springs – “Mr and Mrs J. D. Dean and son, Bruce Dean and family of Mich., made a trip to Monroe, LA, last week where they spent a few days with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Wesley Saterfield.
15 Oct 1935
Monroe News Star article - J W Saterfiel qualifies to run for the office of State Representative. Other candidates who also qualified for the office were J. Porter Burgess (incumbent), Hillyer S. Parker, W. B. Inabnet, F. L. Cox, Paul Fink. The campaign card for JW Saterfiel ("d" shown on card) stated he was running on the "Long-Allen ticket" (former gov. Huey Long).
15 Nov 1935
From the Monroe News Star – Nov 15, 1935 Article about pastors in West Carroll Parish Lists “G. W. Saterfiel of West Monroe” as one of six pastors who pastored twelve Baptist churches in West Carroll (Oak Grove and Darnell had no pastor at the time) JWS likely was pastoring multiple churches – West Carroll parish and Fairbanks in Ouachita Parish.
1935 – 36
Mt Vernon BC record shows J. W.Saterfield contributions of $3.00 during Nov, Dec & Jan. Mrs. J. W. Saterfield contributions throughout the entire church year totaled $14.00.
4 Feb 1936
Election results - Monroe News Star article of Feb. 4, 1936, reports on four candidates election results. JWS and F. L. Cox are not mentioned. Apparently there were two elected from all qualifiers as information found in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_C._Feazel) shows W. B. Inabnett and Paul Fink as state representatives for Ouachita Parish in 1936 – 40. William C. Feazel, Lallage Feazel Wall’s father and State Rep. Shady Wall’s father-in-law, was state representative in 1932 – 36 but did not stand for reelection. In 1983, I (GEL) ran for state representative for West Monroe/West Ouachita Parish. While campaigning at a barbershop in downtown West Monroe, one “old-timer” told me a little about his memory of my great-grandfather. He mentioned that Rev Saterfiel was a “stern preacher” and “a lot of people didn’t believe a minister should be in politics”.
1936 J. W. Satterfield is shown as “Other Ordained Minister” (not pastor of a specific church, I presume). ). (From the records of the Ouachita – Morehouse Baptist Association – records for all years not found - GL transcribed 170818)
15 Mar 1936 
“Ottis Caples was arrested by the sheriff’s department Saturday on a charge of stealing a plow. The complaint was filed by J. W. Saterfiel, a farmer living in Ward 8. Caples made bond for $150 and was released.” Monroe Morning World
18 Mar 1936
“JW Saterfiel sold to Herman B. Saterfiel the west half of southwest quarter of Section 26-17-2 east. The consideration being the assumption of a mortgage by the purchaser.” Monroe News Star
This is 80 acres at west end of Emmett Arrant Rd.
1 Sep 1936
JW Saterfiel sold to CC Saterfiel west one-half of SE qtr (W1/2 of SE 1/4) of Section 26 Twnshp 17 North, Range 2 East (Ouachita Parish Ct Hs Bk 250, Pg 355) This is 136 Saterfield Rd (Cecil Saterfiel family home)
J W and Bertie Saterfiel moved to Detroit, as did three of their sons, Herman, Dean and Earl, in order to work in the Ford plant. JW and Bertie didn't stay long. JW and Bertie apparently stayed in Detroit no longer than a year.
Feb 1937
I have a photo of JW and Bertie in Detroit dated Feb. 1937 from Uncle Herman’s granddaughter, Valli Jean. It is not known if, while in Detroit, they stayed in the homes of their sons or rented or owned their own place.
22 Apr 1937
Apparently JWS & Bertie are back in Ouachita Parish. He serves as an elections clerk in Ward 8 - his long-time home. Monroe News Star article - Ward VIII, At Parish Road Barn E. H. Larch, H. H. Roberts, James Arrant, commissioners; J. W. Saterfiel, clerk
. . .

Grandad came back from Detroit and lived on property Uncle Herman had purchased at west end of Emmett Arrant Rd. (18 Mar 1936) Uncle Herman offered to sell it to Kaka (Cecil Saterfiel) for about $265 (for 80 acres) but Kaka couldn’t manage the money. He told Uncle Herman to offer it to Uncle Clarence. Uncle Clarence bought it but never farmed it or lived there. Grandad and Granny Saterfiel lived there. (Notes from Uncle Herb - JWS grandson - 23 Aug 2012)
17 Mar 1938
In Newton Co., Miss. “The Rev. Wesley Satterfield preached an interesting sermon to a good audience Sunday night (13 Mar)”. The Newton Record
20 Oct 1938
“Mr and Mrs Wesley Saterfield” visited Poplar Springs in Newton Co. MS – “were dinner guests” per article in Newton Record

J. W. Satterfield is listed as “Ordained Minister” (church not specified) and Messenger for Mt. Vernon Baptist Church in 1939. (From the records of the Ouachita – Morehouse Baptist Association – records for all years not found - GL transcribed 170818) This seems to indicate that JWS is currently serving as pastor at Mt Vernon.

US Census James Wesley Saterfiel age 53, farmer, owns house, working on own account, Highest grade completed – 6th grade; Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 40; Weeks Worked in 1939: 40 - Neighbors: Emmett Arrant, J. A. Arrant, Cecil Saterfiel
Household Members: 
J W Saterfiel
Bertia Saterfiel
Earl Saterfiel
27 Apr 1942
WWII Draft Registration – James Wesley Saterfiel; Residence – Rt. 4, Box 316, West Monroe, LA; POB – Chunkey, Mississippi; Age – 57;
DOB – 1-13-1885; Employment or Business – Farming; Contact person – Bertie C Saterfiel; Description – White, 5’11”, 158 lbs, eyes – brown; hair – red/gray/bald; complexion – ruddy.

The record shows JWS as “retired, West Monroe, Mt. Vernon”. (From the records of the Ouachita – Morehouse Baptist Association – records for all years not found - GL transcribed 170818)
26 Aug 1949
Death of Rev. James Wesley Saterfiel, most likely from cancer. He is shown in family photos not long before this date, holding his left arm out from his body due to the pain from the cancer tumors.
29 Aug 1949
(from Obit.) Funeral service for Rev Saterfiel is held at Mt Vernon Baptist Church, West Monroe, where he had been a member and former pastor. He had surrendered to preach in 1903 and served a number of churches in Miss. and Louisiana for forty years. He was truly a builder of God. Survived by his widow, six sons – C. A., O. L., C. C., Rev. H. B, J. D. and Earl Saterfiel; two brothers, two sisters and a number of grandchildren.
The service was conducted by Rev. L. A. Materne and was assisted by a number of Baptist ministers. The masonic Lodge of Cadeville, rendered their final service for Rev. Saterfiel in Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
Rev. James Wesley and Bertie Dean Saterfiel
Rev. James Wesley Saterfiel with siblings, Melvin, Ora, Lula and Charles. This photo was made at his home outside of West Monroe, LA just a short time before he passed away in 1949.
Bertie Dean Saterfiel with 3 siblings, Betty, Bruce and Fronie.
The Saterfiels Of West Monroe,
Ouachita Parish, LA
Copyright Glenn Luttrell
Last updated 5 Jan 2025