The Saterfiels

Genealogy of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA
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Individual names highlighted in green
are ancestors of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA

Mary Ann Adams
(maternal great-grandmother of Cecil Calvert Saterfiel)

b.  7 May 1825 in Alabama
m. Edmund Edward Dean (1819 - 1897) 1843 Poplar Springs, Newton Co. MS
d.  8 Sep 1899 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi

Daughter of
Anthony Adams
(1757 - 1867)
Ruth Rutledge
(b. abt 1785)

Children of Mary Ann Adams and Edmund Edward Dean

1. Mary DEAN b: Abt 1844 in Mississippi
2. Drury James DEAN b: 1846 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi
3. Margaret Ellen DEAN b: 29 Nov 1848 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Miss.
4. Will A. DEAN b: 23 Mar 1854 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi
5. Hilliard Pierce DEAN b: 8 Jun 1856 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi
6. Martha Ann DEAN b: 1859 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi
7. Annabella Dotty DEAN b: 1860 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi
8. Jefferson Davis DEAN b: 3 Jul 1861 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi
9. Ruth O. DEAN b: 1864 in Mississippi
10.      John Thomas DEAN b: Abt 1867 in Poplar Springs, Newton, Mississippi
Notes about Mary Ann Adams Dean

Listed on 1860-70-80 census as Alabama (her birthplace)

Hilliard Dean lists in 22 June 1900 Census for West 2 township 5 Rouge 17 East, his parents birth state as Alabama. The 1870 Newton census p401 list her birth place as Alabama.
5 6
•  Census: 1850 Jasper, Mississippi, USA
•  Note: Adams, Anthony, 87, m, Farmer, Birth place Virginia; Mary Ann,22,f, Al. 7
•  Census: 1860 Newton, Mississippi, USA
•  Note: 
Page 19,20 lines 38-40 &1-8.
Name: Dean, Edmond, 40 Male, W, Farmer, Birth place-AL; Mary, 83?(33), F, AL; Mary, 16, f, MS; Drury, 14, m, MS; Margaret, 12, f, MS; Nathan, 6, m, MS;, Peirce, 4, m, ms; Martha, 2, f, MS; Annabelle, 9/12, MS; 
Name: Adams, Anthony, 99 M, VA; Rutha, 85, f, Ga.
•  Census: 1870 Newton, Mississippi, USA
•  Note: 
1. Listed in Census of June 1870, Newton Co., MS page 401.
Parents: Edmond Dean, age 52, Male White
Mary A., age 45, Female, White

Children: Pierce, age 18 yrs., Male, White 
Martha A., age 12, Female, White
Eliza A., age 10, Female, White
Jefferson D., age 8, Male, White
Rutha O., age 6, Female, White
John T., age 3, Male, White
•  Census: 1880 Newton, Newton, Mississippi, USA
•  Note: Name: Dean, E, w, m, 62, married, planter, blind, bp- al, father/mother bp-ga; Mary A., w, f, 50, married, housekeeper, bp- al, father bp- VA, Mothers-bp???;Rebecca?(dotty),w, f, 20, dau,s, bp-ms. Wm A., w, M, 26,son, s, there is a hash markin the blind column, he was blind according to family records; Jefferson, w, m, 19, son, s, laborer, Bp, ms; Thomas, w, m, 18, son, s, bp-ms. 9

Additional References:

Research of Mack Saterfield online at 
