The Saterfiels
Genealogy of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA
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Individual names highlighted in green
are ancestors of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA
John Allen Tharp
(maternal great-great-great-grandfather of Lillian Arrant Saterfiel)
b. 1 Sep 1781 in Warren Co. GA
m. Elizabeth Hatcher (Abt 1791 - abt 1857) 2 Jan 1809 in Warren Co., GA
d. after 25 Nov 1834 (will date)
Son of
Rev. Vincent Allen Tharp
(1760 - 1825)
(Unknown) Rogers
(? - ?)
Children of John Allen Tharp and Elizabeth Hatcher Tharp
1. Mary A Tharpe, b. Abt 1810,
2. James Madison A Tharpe, b. Abt 1812,
3. Caroline A Tharpe, b. Abt 1813, GA ,
4. Catherine A Tharpe, b. Abt 1813, GA ,
5. William A Tharpe, b. Abt 1814,
6. Robert A Tharpe, b. Abt 1816, GA ,
7. Elizabeth Allen Tharpe, b. 27 Jan 1817, GA , d. 6 Mar 1884, Ouachita Parish, LA
8. Obedience A Tharpe, b. c1823, GA , d. 8 Apr 1896, of HoustonCo, GA
9. Cicero A Tharpe, b. Abt 1824, GA ,
10. Henrietta A Tharpe, b. Abt 1826, BibbCo, GA ,
11. Martha A Tharpe, b. Abt 1828, BibbCo, GA ,
12. John Vinson A Tharpe, b. Abt 1833, BibbCo, GA ,
Additional Notes
Eleanor Davis included the following notes concerning John A. Tharp, born Sept. 1, 1781. He and his wife ELIZABETH Hatcher A. THARP came to Twiggs County with his father in 1811. They joined Stone Creek Baptist Church in Feb. 1811. In the Church Records he is referred to as John A. Tharp Jr. to distinguish him from John A. Tharp Sr., who came at a later date and may have been his uncle.
At the time that John was a member of Stone Creek Church the Church sat in judgment on its members. If someone disobeyed any rules he was brought before a committee for trial. If he expressed sorrow for his actions and asked forgiveness he was reinstated but if not, he was excommunicated. John got into trouble for fighting and was called to account at a Church Conference. He refused to say that he was penitent so he was excommunicated from the Church.
John A. Tharp and Elizabeth Hatcher A. Tharp had a number of children. He made a will before his death and it is filed in the Bibb County Court House. He named a number of heirs that are his children.
Additional Sources

Will of John Allen Tharp
From Joyce Harrison:
The Last Will & Testament
John A. Tharp
(Son of Vincent A. Tharp)
Taken from Will Book in the Bibb County, GA., Court House by Eleanor Pearl Davis and included in her "Notes on the Allentharp and Tharp Families", 1944, pub. By D. B. Tharpe, pp 30-31.
In the name of God, I, JOHN A. THARP, in the County and State aforesaid, being in sound mind, memory and understanding, do hereby adopt this my last will and testament.
Item 1. I wish and direct that all my just debts may be fully satisfied and paid out of the effects which I may leave behind.
Item 2. I give and bequeath to Eliz. A. Tharp my lawful wife all my lands, Negroes, household and kitchen furniture, horses, cows and hogs, together with all the ready money I may have in hand and all the effects and property I may die possessee of during her natural life widowhood and at her inter marriage or death I wish my property divided in the following manner.
Item 3. Mary Boon, James Madison A. Tharp, William A. Tharp, Robert A. Tharp, Caroline Reynolds, Elizabeth Rogers, Catherine A. Tharp, Cicero A. Tharp, Obedience A. Tharp, Henrietta A. Tharp, Mathew A. Tharp, John Vinson A. Tharp.
Item 4. I do hereby appoint Eliz. A. Tharp my wife as aforesaid Executrix to this my last will and also William A. Tharp and Robert A. Tharp my children above mentioned Executors to this my last will and testament as aforesaid dated this 25 day of Nov. in 1834.
Richard Fish
William Stacky
Henry S. Ross
Johnson Reynolds