The Saterfiels
Genealogy of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA
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Individual names highlighted in green
are ancestors of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA
James Satterfield
(paternal great-great-grandfather of Cecil Calvert Saterfiel)
b. abt 1780 in South Carolina
m. Catherine Landers, 1 Aug 1808, Warren Co., KY
d. May 1860 in Lincoln Co., TN
Children of James and Catherine Landers Satterfield
James A. Satterfield/Saterfiel b. abt 1818-1822 in Jackson Co., AL
Moses Satterfield (likely)
Notes about James Saterfiel
From A History of Saterfiel by Gary Duane Satterfield
The Saterfiel family can be documented to the 1790 census of Rutherford Co., N. C. In that census, James Satterfield, born about 1748, is shown as head of a household along with a William Satterfield, born about 1769. William is probably James' oldest son. William is shown as having a wife and only one child, an infant son, which may indicate he had been recently married.
Land records indicate James Satterfield sold his land in Rutherford Co., N. C. and was living in Greenville, S. C. after 1790. Greenville Co., SC is on southern border of Rutherford Co., NC. On 1 Aug 1808, a son, James Satterfield, born 1780 in S. C., is shown in Warren Co., KY marriage records as having been married to Catherine Landers. A few years later James and Moses Satterfield are shown in Lincoln Co., TN court records as being ordered to lay out a road in that county. Moses Satterfield was married to Elizabeth Landers, Catherine Landers' sister. Moses and James Satterfield are most likely brothers who were young boys in the 1790 Rutherford Co., N. C. census. In that census, the Satterfields were neighbors to Henry Landers, the father of Catherine and Elizabeth Landers.
Kentucky, Compiled Marriages, 1802-1850
Catherine Landers
Marriage Date
1 Aug 1808
Marriage Place
Warren, Kentucky, USA
James Satterfield
Household Members 
Catherine Landers 
James Satterfield
From South Carolina Satterfields - New Data (Part One)
by Roy Satterfield, April 16, 2010
Catherine Landers is said to have died in Lincoln Co., TN 1847
Lincoln Co. TN adjoins Madison and Jackson Co. Alabama. Huntsville AL is due south of Lincoln Co. TN in Madison Co.
James Satterfield who is on an 1831 deed for land in Huntsville, AL
James Satterfield who died May 1860 in Lincoln Co., TN
seem very possible to be the same James Satterfield and the husband of Catherine Landers.
US Federal Census Death Records for
Lincoln County, Tennessee, through June 1, 1860 James Satterfield (possibly spelled Latterfield)
age 80, died May 1860, POB = SC, died of Consumption after 90 days
Additional References:
Research of Mack Saterfield online at