The Saterfiels
Genealogy of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA
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Individual names highlighted in green
are ancestors of the Saterfiels of West Monroe, LA
3 Generations of Blankenships - Wilmoth, William and
Ralph (immigrant from England)
Wilmoth Blankenship.
(maternal 5great-grandmother of Lillian Arrant Saterfiel)
b. abt. 1730 in Chesterfield, VA
m. Thomas Hatcher, Sr. (b. Abt 1730 - ?) abt 1745 in Henrico, VA
d. unknown date
Daughter of
William Blankenship
(abt. 1690 - 1745)
Mary (Unknown)
Children of Wilmoth Blankenship and Thomas Hatcher, Sr.
1. William Hatcher, b. Abt 1747, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA , d. Bef 1830, Sullivan, Tennessee, USA
2. Robert Hatcher, b. Abt 1750
3. Thomas Hatcher, Jr., b. Abt 1765, Edgefield, South Carolina, USA
4. John Hatcher, b. Abt 1770, Edgefield, South Carolina, USA
5. Reuben Hatcher, b. Bef 1774, Edgefield, South Carolina, USA , d. Bef 1850, Mitchell, Georgia, USA
6. Dempsey Hatcher, b. Abt 1776, Edgefield, South Carolina, USA
Additional Notes about Wilmoth Blankenship
. . .Thomas Hatcher Sr, a resident of EdgefieldCo, SC, was a Captain in the spring of 1778. . .
Notes for WILMOTH BLANKENSHIP: 1. This line form Nel Hatcher 2. From "Chesterfield Co, VA Deed Book 5, 1764-1768", p 187, by Weisinger. "I, Jeffrey Robertson of Chesterfield Co., for good causes, but especially because Mary Condrey, Wilmoth Hatcher, and Frances Moor, parceners and daughters of William Blankenship, dec'd, have with their husbands, acknowledged a deed to convey to Henry Mills, 100 acres, part of a tract granted by patent to said Blankenship, and on a division to said parceners, fell to Wilmoth Hatcher and her husband, Thomas Hatcher, grant to Thomas Hatcher 100 acres, including plantation he lives on. 28 July 1761." Wit: Robt. Elam, John Condre, Jacob Ashhurst. Signed: Jeffery Robertson Recorded 7 Aug 1761
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William Blankenship.
(maternal 6great-grandfather of Lillian Arrant Saterfiel)
b. abt. 1690 in Henrico Co. VA
m. Mary (Unknown) (b. after 1690 - ?) abt 1715
d. Apr 1745 in Henrico, VA
Son of
Ralph Blankenship
(1660 - abt 1714)
Martha (Unknown)
(between 1660/75 - aft 9 Jul 1726)
Children of William Blankenship and Mary (Unknown)
1. Ralph Blankenship, b. Abt 1722
2. Wilmoth Blankenship, b. Abt 1730, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
3. Frances Blankenship, b. Aft 1736
4. Mary Blankenship, b. Abt 1740
Additional Notes about William Blankenship
1. Rev. Soldier, DAR #182530 ??? He died in 1745! The Rev War started in 1775! GL
2. William Blankenship appeared on a list of debtors record which can be found on FTM CD-ROM #206
3. William Blankenship fully documented in the Maryland Prerogative Court records in the year 1714. This is no doubt the son of Ralph and Martha who was then 125 miles north of his home inHenrico Co., VA. He was in Ann Arundel County were Annapolis islocated on the Chesapeake. It is reasonable to assume that William was an adult at this time which means he was at least 21 years of age. Subtract 21 from 1714 and we get 1693 as a possible birth date for him. He has always been recorded in genealogy records as born in 1695 and that simply cannot be - because in 1714 he would only have been 19. Why was he was in Maryland? Was it because he was en route to Marion, Massachusetts to meet with English friends he or his family formerly knew in England, or had perhaps known at some previous time in Virginia. Lets temporarily give a birth date to William Blankenship, son of Ralph and Martha, as 1691
4. Will of William Blankenship, father of Wilmoth Hatcher. Source: Colonial Wills of Henrico Co. VA, Part 2, pg. 20. Weisiger. William Blankinship of Dale Parish, planter. To son Ralph, 200 acres on both sides of Wintopock Creek, part of survey of 400 acres (patent not yet come from the office), also after death of my wife Mary 100 acres and plantation where I now live, being part of a larger tract belonging to Thomas Man, Sr.. To John Man, son of said Thomas Man, 200 acres, being the rest of my patent, provided Man make over to my son Ralph the land where I live. To daughters Mary Blankinship, Wilmoth Blankinship, and Frances Blankinship, livestock and items. All the rest to wife Mary, who is to be executor. Dated 29 October 1744 Witnesses: William Herringham, Francis Man, John Johnson Recorded April 1745.
Additional Sources
Ralph Blankenship
(maternal 7great-grandfather of Lillian Arrant Saterfiel)
b. abt. 1662 in (probably Cumbria) England
m. Martha (Unknown)* (b. Between 1660 and 1675, d. Aft 09 Jul 1726) abt 1690 in VA
d. Abt 1714 in Henrico, VA
Son of
(Unknown) Blankenship
Children of Ralph Blankenship and Martha (Unknown)*
1. William Blankenship, b. Abt 1690, Henrico, Virginia, USA , d. Apr 1745, Henrico, Virginia, USA
2. Richard Blankenship, b. Abt 1692, Henrico, Virginia, USA , d. Aft 1768, Goochland, Virginia, USA
3. Ralph Blankenship, Jr., b. Abt 1695, Henrico, Virginia, USA , d. Nov 1754, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
4. John B Blankenship, b. Abt 1697, Henrico, Virginia, USA , d. 09 Apr 1754, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
5. James Blankenship, b. Abt 1698, Henrico, Virginia, USA , d. 23 May 1749, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
Additional Notes about Ralph Blankenship
[S2361] Descendants of American Blankenships, Blankenship, James, (Name: Name: Name: April 2, 2002;;;).
Blankinship first arrived in Henrico Co., VA in 1686/87
We know that on June 16, 1714 Ralph BLANKSHIP was named as headright of Capt. Henry Harrison & Philip Ludwell for land they claimed in Surry and Isle of Wight. (Patent. 10:165). The Isle of Wright, Virginia is a small village 17.5 miles WSW of Newport News, VA. Surry is another village 17.5 miles NNW of Isle of Wright. It is very close to Jamestown and is about 32 miles from where Ralph BLANKINSHIP first homesteaded in Henrico County, VA. The Isle of Write is about 45 miles southeast of Ralph's original homestead. The legal court document shows that Ralph was being claimed as a person whose sea transportation from Europe (England) was paid for by Capt. Henry Harrison and Philip Ludwell. The Virginia colony law at the time allowed anyone who paid for the transportation of another person to Virginia could claim the right (headright) to possession of 50 acres of land as their reward for bringing that person to America. If this claim for land was valid, and not a fraudulent claim, it would mean that Capt. Henry Harrison and Philip Ludwell, had, in fact, paid for Ralph's return voyage from England to America. Did Ralph sense that his death was imminent circa 1713 and want to make a trip to his homeland just before he died? Did the debt Ralph incurred near the time of his death result from his having to pay for one leg of his voyage to Europe.
* Notes about Martha (Unknown)
Parents of his wife Martha are Charles Clay and Hannah Wilson. This is conjecture only - see next paragraph. Charles and Hannah were neighbors of Ralph Blankenship who lived just north of Conjurer?s Neck and Swift Creek, Virginia. This same Hannah Wilson later married another neighbor Edward Stanley following her first husband's death. After Hannah's death Edward Stanley married Martha Blankenship in 1716 following the death of her first husband Ralph Blankenship who died in 1714.
We don't know when Martha (wife of Ralph Blankinship the immigrant) was born as there has never been a birth record found. We also don't know her parents. It is possible she was born about 1660 and that she was the daughter of Charles Clay (1636-1686) and Hannah Wilson (1642-1706) but it cannot yet be proven. This information is based on the fact that two of the Clay brothers who also were children of Charles and Hannah appeared on the death inventory and will of Ralph Blankinship and Martha's second husband Edward Stanley. This would have been properly done to protect Martha's dowry if her brothers had been witnesses to Martha's husband's wills or death inventory. It's only circumstantial evidence, but its certainly possible. If this was the case then Edward Stanly would have married Hannah Wilson (the mother) after Charles Clay died in 1686, She married Edward Stanley in 1690 and died 16 years later in 1706. Edward Stanley then remained a widower until 1716 when he married the daughter of Hannah Wilson who would have been Martha, the former wife of Ralph Blankenship. Just conjecture based on circumstantial evidence. This Clay family lived right next to Ralph Blankenship just north of Swift Creek." Don 2. "Book 12 page 15: Martha Blankenship 250 acres on South side of James River, borderinmg land of Henry Walthal for 20 shillings and importation of one person 9 Jul 1724" Betty Carson
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